Leslie Ann Akin

  • Name:
    Leslie Ann Akin

  • Company:
    Leslie The Brand Boss, Global Press, Formerly Lake Oswego Graphics

  • Title:
    Graphic Designer, Author, Speaker, Global Touch Press Publisher

  • Area of Expertise:
    Vision translator extraordinaire, branding guru, publisher, former White House clown

  • Speaking Topic #1:
    Create and Curate a Facebook group to Change Your Life

    This Facebook group also changed the way other organizations interacted online. Leslie Ann’s presentation shows step by step, how she grew the group organically, supported them, honored them and engaged them in meaningful and playful conversations.

    In 2018 Leslie Ann published her first book and compiled a second book based on the groups interest in sharing their most gratifying and challenging experiences. The book, Adventures in Clowning, Volume One features 32 contributors.

    Because of the success of this Facebook group and the buzz it created worldwide, she was invited to teach at several international conventions. She saw a need for a subscription based digital magazine, so she created one, JestForClowns.

    Creating and curating a Facebook group changed Leslie Ann’s life in just one year and it continues to open doors she never thought possible.

  • Speaking Topic #2:
    Strategic Branding for Entrepreneurs

    Leslie’s colorful entertainment background, design skills and life experience are part of what she brings to branding businesses and serving her clients. Strategic branding for entrepreneurs is her business focus and passion. Leslie will teach how a powerful marketing presence and dynamic materials help you to show up in a big way.

  • Hometown:
    Lake Oswego, Oregon

  • Will Travel:

  • Speaking Sample:

Leslie AKA The Brand Boss, has designed graphics since 1989 and developed a strong following for her unique style of personal and business branding. Leslie’s grasp of design and her ability to understand what her client needs is something that comes naturally to her. Through branding, she helps her clients create a distinctive presence locally and online to grow their businesses.

Based on firsthand experience, Leslie Ann Akin shares the journey of developing a Facebook group that became wildly popular in a niche (clowns) and considered one that set the tone for changing her life and the lives of others.

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