Champion Connector
Classic Connector benefits, plus the following
Annual Commitment for both our Monthly & Annual Payment Options:
Option 1: Annual Payment: (Best Value)
One Annual Payment: $300
Savings: $60 compared to monthly payments!
Option 2: Monthly Payments: (Most Flexible)
12 Recurring Payments: $30 per month
Total for the Year: $360

$45 Early Bird, or $55 It’s Not Too Late Champion pricing for Networking Luncheons ($10 Discount off Classic Connector rate)

$10 off SkillShop Training Events & Retreats.

Quick Connect Statements created with Cyndi’s support & featured on EC website, FB group & EC Socials.

Your Profile included in EC Website Business Membership Directory for increased connectivity, visibility and profitability.

Personalized Exceptional Connections Name Badge.

Priority access to Marketplace Vendor Opportunity.

Featured author opportunity to contribute to EC Community via our EC Website.

Access to Exceptional Connections Member Only Facebook Group.

Ability to offer promotional posts in Members Only FB groups.

Only Champion Connectors are featured at Business Celebrations.

Opportunity to be featured on our monthly “Business Boost Mastery Lab: Elevate Your Success One Skillset at a Time”

New Champion Connector Wisdom Circle Zoom meetings

Grandfathered in at launch rate as long as your monthly or annual billing is active.

Priority access to special & virtual events at Free or Discounted rates (After hours, Business Celebrations, Garden Parties…)

Receive an EC water bottle (quantities limited).