Marcelle Allen
First Name:
MarcelleLast Name:
AllenBusiness Name:
DreamosityYour Title:
TrainerArea of Expertise:
Digital marketing, data art, video development, presentation support, and encouragement for remarkable leaders.Business Phone:
(360) 420-9966Mobile Phone:
(360) 420-9966Mailing Address:
16212 Bothell Everett HWY F-106
Mill Creek, WA. 98012Website: Media:
What is your profession? (be as specific as possible)
As a social media trainer I support others in navigating and leveraging the internet to build there sphere of influence strategically. I encourage clients to know the data behind the dreams and approach marketing with an analytical and visual approach. I am often hired to edit videos or to craft and capture online content to showcase clients in a great way. I teach on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram and help people connect their blogging efforts to their net profit and revenue goals.
How do you describe your dream client or customer?
My ideal client is a remarkable leader. This person has a huge vision and dream but they may not see the pathway to achieve it. I come alongside them to cheer and steer until we achieve the goal, and then we set new goals. They are often an author, speaker, franchise owner, politician, business owner or messenger of an important cause and solution.
When members do a search, what specific key words or phrases would lead to you?
How to make money online, How to blog successfully, Confidence on video, digital marketing, social media manager, graphic design help, financial joy, developing digital you.
Do you have an offer or discount specifically for Exceptional Connection members? (If so, what?)
$100 off The Revenue Ringlet
If any, what are your geographic restrictions to your products/services/offers? What do you consider your sales territory?
I can help anyone who speaks English and often help people in Washington State and beyond.
An even more meaningful and powerful way to connect
with other Exceptional Connections Members:
What are your accomplishments? (awards, books, awards, professional designations)
Financial Joy was published in 2019
Developing Digital You was published in 2018
Check out my press page for further media
What are you passionate about?
Visuals! Art, pretty things that are also useful. Photography, wonderful conversations, amazing hugs. I love taking new ideas and bringing them into the world. I love a good kayak or sunset as well.
What are your hobbies or outside interests?
Swimming, kayaking, golf (like once a year!) but would love to play more.
Are you involved in any charity or community service that you want others to be aware of?
I support dozens of charities as a fundraiser attending enthusiast. Have something special coming up? Send me an invite.
Is there anything else about you, or your business you would like to share?
If you learn the right things, you can shave years of painful experience from your timeline. Don’t delay in reaching out for a consult. There are people on the other side of town or the state might not be able to find your content because you aren’t optimized. Don’t give up on a good idea unless at least 10K people have been given the chance to respond to it.
I Love Exceptional Connections because…
“The people are so kind and the learning is so relevant to growing my business.”