Patrice Tabor

I Love Exceptional Connections because…

“Exceptional Connections is a fun and supportive environment to connect with other business entrepreneurs. It keeps me inspired and motivated to develop my new business.”

  • First Name:

  • Last Name:

  • Business Name:
    InJoy Strengths-based Coaching

  • Your Title:
    Life Coach and Trainer

  • Area of Expertise:
    What’s next after retirement; Know and communicate strengths with confidence

  • Business Phone:
    (206) 713-5862

  • Mobile Phone:
    (206) 713-5862

  • Mailing Address:
    312 NE Serpentine Place
    Shoreline, WA 98155

  • Social Media:

  • What is your profession? (be as specific as possible)

    I am a strength-based life coach and trainer

  • How do you describe your dream client or customer?

    I am passionate about helping the newly retired discover what’s next. I am also passionate about helping women to toot their own horn – communicate their strengths with confidence

  • When members do a search, what specific key words or phrases would lead to you?

    life coaching, personal strengths, retirement planning, public speaking

  • Do you have an offer or discount specifically for Exceptional Connection members? (If so, what?)

    $50 off on Toot Your Own Horn virtual workshop and free introductory coaching discovery session

  • If any, what are your geographic restrictions to your products/services/offers? What do you consider your sales territory?

    no restrictions

An even more meaningful and powerful way to connect
with other Exceptional Connections Members:

  • What are your accomplishments? (awards, books, awards, professional designations)

    Certified life coach
    Dependable Strengths certified trainer
    Masters in adult education and training
    30+ years Toastmasters

  • What are you passionate about?

    Helping to empower women to toot their own horn and communicate their strengths with confidence and clarity.
    Supporting the newly or seasoned retiree to design a purposeful retirement so that it is vibrant and meaningful.

  • What are your hobbies or outside interests?

    tandem biking, nordic skiing, hula dancing

  • Are you involved in any charity or community service that you want others to be aware of?

  • Is there anything else about you, or your business you would like to share?

    I lead a MeetUp called Too Young To Retire for new and seasoned retirees to share our dreams and plans for retirement. I also lead a group coaching series on Designing a Purposeful Retirement