Elisa Hawkinson
Elisa is an engaging and dynamic speaker, author and coach. In her book, “Calming Your Chaos” she gives everyone the tools to reach their goals and destinations in life. She was born with a gene for organizing. Since 2000 she has helped businesses and individuals organize and simplify their working and living spaces as well as their lives.
Her HOW2GETORGANIZED seminars, workshops and hands-on personal coaching have evolved from her natural bent for order. Those skills and insights have been sharpened by the methods and techniques she discovered while helping family members who manifested ADD/ADHD symptoms. She developed focused, structured, and ordered environments for them and found her passion – teaching people in all walks of life and circumstances HOW2GETORGANIZED. Elisa has a passion to make a difference in people’s lives. What she values most is making a contribution. She is delighted when people take action steps for their self-improvement based on her inspiring messages for overall healthy living.