Sandy Stamato

  • Name:
    Sandy Stamato

  • Company:

  • Title:
    Founder of Limbdweller, Sales Mental Fitness Coach, The BIG cheese

  • Area of Expertise:
    Sales Mental Fitness Coach with over 35 years of experience in sales, advertising, training, and consulting helping female entrepreneurs and healers transform their mindset around sales.

  • Speaking Topic #1:
    Is your brain friend or foe when selling your amazing gifts to the world?

    Sales – which we are ALL in – is the most stressful function for any business. Our saboteurs, those voices in our heads that generate stress and negative emotions particularly when we’re selling our services to the world, can be ruthless and sabotage our success and happiness.

    Learn how you can counteract these stressors by harnessing the power of Positive Intelligence™ the new, cutting-edge technology that literally rewires your brain so you can access emotions, such as gratitude, curiosity, and activation. Imagine showing up for a sales presentation, or networking gig tapped into the positive part of your brain.

    Takeaways from this talk:

    • Learn how to notice when you’re being sabotaged immediately.
    • Tips for catching your internal saboteurs before they can emotionally hijack you
    • A simple “brain hack’ that can instantly calm you so you can access the positive region of your brain.
  • Hometown:
    Seattle, Washington

  • Will Travel:
    Nationally or Locally

  • Speaking Sample:

Sandy Watchie Stamato is a Sales Mental Fitness Coach with over 35 years of experience in sales, advertising, training, and consulting helping female entrepreneurs and healers transform their mindset around sales so they can make a bigger impact on the world.

Her signature program is Sage Selling, which is based on the cutting-edge technology of Positive Intelligence™, a brain-rewiring journey that enables her clients to catch their internal saboteurs, access the positive part of their brains so they can bring their gifts to the world with more ease, confidence and abundance. It’s her mission to truly change the world of Sales…one woman at a time.

Spotlight Speaking Dates

Exceptional Connections® April Networking Event

April 11, 2023 @ 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

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